Saturday, March 24, 2007

Consumption Here I come.

We currently own a Playstation 1 - which was given to us by the B. Monkeys father when he bought a PS2. Well, with the new nintendo game out we had decided it was time to upgrade. After 2 months of scoping out numerous retail stores and even attempting to win a bid on e-bay we are now the "proud" owners of a Nintendo Wii.

The story is long and short. Having worked at Zellers at one time in my life I begged the merchandise manager to atleast tell me if they had any Wii's when they appeared in this weeks flyer. With reluctance he gave me "yes I have some". Not too descriptive but there was hope.

I started making my plan. Okay Zellers opens at 8 in the morning. I MUST be there by 7:30 on a Saturday morning or else there is no hope. Sitting at my desk at work I discussed with Drang how he might have to wait at one set of doors and me another and then it happened. Drang has hockey at 7:45. Oh no, I am on this mission by myself. I must now be there even earlier to ensure my first place spot in line. So, after a restless night of sleep due to the anticipation of finally getting this damn game and a stop at Tim's I was on my way.

It was at this point that I realized that I was a consumer! And hooked on the need to get this piece of merchandise. Why? I don't really now, because the hype told me I had to have one because it is cool or maybe I just wanted a new toy.

What ever the reasons I was successful!!!! After racing to the HE dept with the other three early shoppers the clerk says:

"Umm, We don't have any" at which point I started thinking I did not waste my Saturday morning sleep in to hear this and replied with "Actually you do, I spoke with your manager yesterday and there are some in the back". After she looks at me like a deer stuck in a set of headlights she calls the manager and guess what I GOT A WII!.

Ofcourse, I apologized for being that bitchy know it all consumer and told the clerk I felt sorry for her as now she had to tell people for the rest of the day that they were already sold out at 8:03am.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, she's not actually exagerating. She was pretty nutty about the "must own (object of craving)!" thing. It was a pretty far cry from the 'normal' Soc_Chick's take on commercialism/materialism, that's fer sure.

T. said...

That's awesome.