Friday, May 25, 2007

Weed Wacker:

For about 3 years now I have wanted a weed wacker. Quietly I had wished that I knew what to look for in one so I could buy it. We use the old-style lawn mower that is inefficient with edges and around trees etc. so the 3 foot high grass all along the fencing is very unattractive. In the past I have broken down and pulled these out by hand because the shaggyness that this adds to my yard drives me crazy.

This year however I decided to ask for a weed wacker for mothers day. I find it odd how I ask for yard tools and Drang asks for kitchen supplies when ever an event such as this comes up. However this is one of the many reasons we work so well together. Yesterday I received a surprise from Drangs mother. A weed wacker for mothers day and not just any weed wacker. I am anxiously awaiting to take the thing out and play with it. From the box it appears to be a big as I am and I should have hours and hours of fun just learning how to turn it on. Then once I figure that out everyone else will have to remain in the house as there is a reason I do not use sharp knives and I want to ensure my family is at a safe distance from me and this tool!

Keep your fingers crossed that I keep all my toes. And thanks!

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