Friday, May 25, 2007

Weed Wacker:

For about 3 years now I have wanted a weed wacker. Quietly I had wished that I knew what to look for in one so I could buy it. We use the old-style lawn mower that is inefficient with edges and around trees etc. so the 3 foot high grass all along the fencing is very unattractive. In the past I have broken down and pulled these out by hand because the shaggyness that this adds to my yard drives me crazy.

This year however I decided to ask for a weed wacker for mothers day. I find it odd how I ask for yard tools and Drang asks for kitchen supplies when ever an event such as this comes up. However this is one of the many reasons we work so well together. Yesterday I received a surprise from Drangs mother. A weed wacker for mothers day and not just any weed wacker. I am anxiously awaiting to take the thing out and play with it. From the box it appears to be a big as I am and I should have hours and hours of fun just learning how to turn it on. Then once I figure that out everyone else will have to remain in the house as there is a reason I do not use sharp knives and I want to ensure my family is at a safe distance from me and this tool!

Keep your fingers crossed that I keep all my toes. And thanks!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

First Ball Game

After taking a 6 year break from playing organized baseball I have started again.

My new glove proved to work. My Wii batting practice however has not.

Our first ball games were tonight. I had so much fun. I actually hit the ball and made it to base. It was amazing. We however lost both games that we played. The first game we lost 6 to 5 and the second game we gave up a commanding lead of 5 to 1 and lost 8 to 6. It was a rough inning.

However great times with my husband and coworkers. I can't wait til next week and the mid season tournament.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Yard Work and City Council

Today we spent about 4 hours out in the yard digging up the garden, raking, and pruning shrubs. Our yard is starting to look amazing. The best part of the day in the yard was NO CATS! I am not sure what happened to them all but 4 hours and no cats was paradise.

We have the following produce now ready or getting ready to grow in our yard:

Green peppers
Herbs (a wide variety)

We plan on putting in:

and many other items.

We can not wait for the LM to explore these as they begin to produce food. She is absolutely amazed by the wonders of the outdoors.

City Council:
We heard a rumour that the city wants to purchase our land and a variety of properties surrounding us to put up affordable housing 4 plexes. This ofcourse has me in a panic as I do not know much about city bylaws etc. So, Drang writes an email to our respresentative on the city council and his reply is: I don't know, go ask this guy. I am not sure but I feel that his response at 7:59 in the morning was not a well researched response and he was just trying to pass the buck. I expected a little more from this man however I guess when you are not voted in because nobody else is running against you you then become complacent in your actions as who the hell really cares. I guess on Monday we will have to call this person and see what is up.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

They are multiplying!

So, we still have 6 cats but they appear to be multiplying. I wonder if this has anything to do with the 3 mice we have had to help to mousey heaven this winter.

I have not had a chance to name the new cats in our yard. Their personalities are still unknown to me however their presence is not. We have atleast 2 new cats. One without a tail and another tabby type cat.

To ALL: Would it be unneighbourly of me to call the cat police and have them picked up? My dilema is that I know for sure that one of them belongs to the lady nextdoor. She however feels it is okay to allow her cat to roam around. She also feels it is okay to leave her garbage from November until March in her backyard. Hmmmm, I wonder if that has anything to do with the rodents in the neighbourhood.

I am not sure but I don't know if you know, I don't overly like cats. I have had one cat in my life and Bob was a great cat until he brought home a present for me. It was then that I no longer had a cat. I know they hunt but really I don't want that kind of present. My mother and grandmother were terrified of cats. They would seriously run back in the house when they saw one and if it would not leave the yard and they really had to go out they would chase it away with a broom.

So once again if you are feeling lonely and would like a cat let us know.

Helplessly hoping a animal lover comes by.