Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Fun Night Out

The birthday party was a lot of fun.

Dinner at Earls, which when we first entered the lounge I was not sure how long I could stay there. I have seen Moose Heads, Deer Heads, Bear Rugs etc. placed on living room walls or restaurant walls. When I looked up at this establishments walls there were Ostrich heads. And not just one, there was an ostrich head hanging over every table molded to either be leering at you shyly watching you. THIS WAS CREEPY! We had a debate as to whether or not these were real and guess what they WERE! I don't think I will be spending much time in that lounge as I do not appreciate what the owner must think is tactful taxodermy. An ostrich head belongs on the ostrich. The food was okay but not as good as the wild orchid martinis (they even come with an orchid...I asked the server to not bring them as I do not need a flower in my drink).

Because my blog is called Online Rant I feel I must live up to its name.

At Earls, there are televisions apparently in the mens washroom above the urinals so that men don't have to miss a minute of the sporting event that is being aired. THERE WERE NO TV's in the womens washroom. I like hockey and why should I have to miss out on the plays just because I am a girl. On another note what the hell is up with those Pink NHL Jerseys. Once again just because I am a girl does NOT mean I like pink. Why should my gender dictate that I should even want such a hideous piece of clothing. If I want a jersey I want the real thing, not this special line of clothing for women. I find this offensive to all women and can't believe that the NHL approved such a thing.

Enough, once again I had a great time at my friends birthday gathering and spending a night out with my husband that did not involve keeping a toddler happy in a restaurant.

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