If you would like to add a new feline member to your family just let us know.
They are not ours but we have 5 cats to give away. Continue to read in order to select the one that is right for you! The vary in their skills from peeing under our deck, crying all night in your yard, and having a bad hair day.
1) Church - the creepiest of them all. Church will hide in the darkest corners of your yard and glare at you as though you have just invaded his/her space. Church is a lovely all grey cat that reminds me of the cat from Pet Cemetary. He/she is a definate asset for any upcoming Halloween parties. Church also likes to pee under your deck.
2) Bed Head - Bed head is new to our yard. A long haired tabby cat that is in serious need of a brush. Bed Head is not a bad cat, just in need of some serious TLC. If you are looking for a way to keep your family members and friends with allergies away then Bed Head is the cat for you.
3) Follow - Follow is also a new addition to our yard. If you can't sleep at night then Follow is the kitten for you. She/he will cry all night to try and tempt you to feed it or let it in. Follow is a guard cat as well as she likes to sit on the stoop at a house that is not home. Very playful and whines if this is what you are looking for Follow is yours.
4) Crash - Crash is stupid. Crash has no sense of property boundaries. I am sure he/she belongs next door but likes to use our yard as a personal toilet. Crash and I have had our differences over the past 11 months. After a starring contest Crash ran into our fence and flew 10 feet backwards. It was hilarious. If you are looking for pure amusement Crash is sure to provide.
5) Hunter - The window jumper. Hunter's favourite past time is to jump at the birds eating from the bird feeder on our window. Unlike the birds, Hunter is not fed or welcome on our deck. However, if hearing loud noises when you are home alone is something you enjoy then come pick up your dream cat.
Seriously, we have never fed any of these cats, the LM may have petted one, and they will NOT leave our yard. I have thrown coffee grounds at Crash and he/she still insists that our yard is heaven. If you are looking for a cat please call 1-get-out-of-my-yard to reserve yours.